Options to deal with text which converts to a figure in the PDF where the text can't be captured as text in the tag tree:
(Option 1) Manually associate text
Open the Touch Up Reading Order (TURO) tool,
select the <Fig> tag,
select the Paragraph icon in the TURO tool, and
associate the text to new Paragraph tags; this may also require deleting the figure and, using the Edit tool, adding text manually.
(Option 2) Auto Tag Feature
Activate Tag Annotations
Activate the Auto Tag Feature
(Option 3) Separate Page
Extract the page with the issue as a pdf file,
Activate Tag Annotations in the file just created (for the individual page),
Activate Auto tag.
Review the tag tree and make appropriate corrections.
In the original file, artifact the tags for the individual page and remove tag tree elements for that page.
Use the Combine Pages feature to insert the one page (you created as an individual file and tagged) and delete the original page.